Hi there! It’s me again, Bee!
Let’s talk about things digital.
Say, have you kept up to the trend of having your own business website? Given that today’s digital marketing has been one of the top priorities for business, you should.
So, you have your cool website with the best-looking designs and hip functions, the question now would be, is your website protected?
With most businesses turning digital, thus putting up their own websites, many are falling victims to hackers. This begins when a website contains vulnerabilities, which could easily be the gateways for cyber attackers, leading to the theft of sensitive corporate data, credit card information, customer information, and Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
What you need is a good protection to keep your website running without the fear of being hacked.
Enter Acunetix.
Acunetix is a vulnerability scanner, which does exactly what every website needs; search and protect. This scanner plugs all the holes or the vulnerabilities of the website that hackers could use as a way in.
Cyber criminals are focusing their efforts on exploiting weaknesses in web applications such as eCommerce platforms, blogs, login pages, and other dynamic content. When compromised, this gives the attacker the command to anything inside the web. This issue is what makes the Acunetix Vulnerability Scanner necessary for any website in need.
Head to Acunetix now and get the protection you need and you’ll surely want against cyber attackers! Check it out here https://www.mybusybee.net/acunetix/ or follow our Official Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/officialbusybee.textblast/ and contact (02) 929-2222 or (63) 917-837-2000 now!