How To Deal With Quick-Online-Readers or Scanners?

Considering the busy lifestyle of today’s world, those who go online have the trouble of keeping up with what your website is trying to say. That’s what makes them scanners. They only scan through and get whatever information they can get because their busy lifestyle just isn’t letting them read more outside the working hours. This is a dread especially if your writer has put on too much effort on making an online input.

But don’t worry, if you’re planning on putting up blogs or websites, this doesn’t mean that you will be ignored forever. All you need is the right content for the scanners. Because more often than not, your market belongs to the group of scanners.

Here’s what you should do:


Don’t linger on a long introduction, scanners tend to get tired of reading an intro that doesn’t address any relatable issue whatsoever.  Scanners are not looking for an award-winning journalism, they’re more likely to be looking for something that could answer what they need. Hit them hard and immediately with an issue. Something that will make them think, “I need to take time and read more of this because this might give me a tip or advice regarding the issue that I’m now relating to.” Once that thought arises, chances are that scanners are going to finish your content.



If you can make a scanner hooked on your content with an issue or question, then make sure that you don’t leave them hanging. Provide solutions. It’s what made them click in the first place. Something that complements the needs that your market is looking for online. It adds up to a good reputation as a blogger or business, and plus points if you’re able to plug-in your products and services in your solutions.



What better way to hook someone than a visual representation of the issue that the scanner is relating to. Put on the best graphics in the header and even the laziest scanner will be hooked to scan further until the end of your article.



As I’ve said, scanners are only looking through a website because they see a potential solution with whatever issue they have. And if you help them with an organized bullet (each summarizing the thought of the paragraph) that will be helpful. Most scanners would just prefer the easy things to read, so you give them an easy article to read. Give them a summarized version of your solution. In addition to this, you could also highlight keypoints of the article. Go bold, italicized, and underlined! That way, if they don’t have the time to read through the entire article, they will still be satisfied with answers.


And if you need any help with your content, we are the perfect help for the scanners! Just go to or follow our Official Facebook Page at and contact (02) 929-2222 or (63) 917-837-2000 and see what we have in store for you!