Digital Marketing: The Neutral Ground for All Businesses

Back when traditional marketing didn’t have the competition that is the digital marketing, it was easy to determine which was the big enterprise to the small enterprise.

The problem was, traditional marketing further boosts big enterprises and keeps small enterprises grounded. Marketing strategies like advertising through media and print were the platforms that made the giants…giants. Diminishing the possibility of a competition.

Now, with the aid of digital marketing, a new bar has been raised. The dawn of digital marketing has somehow created this neutral ground which enables small and medium enterprises to compete with the big ones.

In terms of popularity, sure, the use of traditional marketing contributes huge to popularity. But if we’re talking about reach, this is where small enterprises can advance, this is where they level with the big enterprises.

The use of these new tools such as the Search Engine Optimization, Pay-Per-Click Advertising, Social Media Marketing, and more have given the opportunity to small and medium enterprises to reach the same amount of people big enterprises are reaching all through simple online processes and some budget-friendly tools. Leaving the established, “who’s big and who’s not?” out of consideration. With digital marketing, everyone can seem like they’re on the same level.

And it doesn’t have to cost so much!

Probably one factor that separates small enterprises from the big ones before digital marketing came was the cost. Say for example a newspaper ad, costing a minimum of ₱5,000 to ₱150,000 just to be shown in one day. A television ad starts at around ₱500,000 and you’re only given a limited time of 15 to 30 seconds to show your ad.

Given the pricing of the traditional way, is there any need to explain further? Before, small enterprises were grounded to simple flyers, which only costs like 1 peso per page, and that couldn’t even guarantee a simple sale.

Don’t get the wrong impression here that businesses should be discouraged from traditional marketing like those mentioned, they are expensive for a reason. And they can still kick it with the revenue.

But right now, whether you’re still starting or on a budget, with digital marketing, you not only save up some money, but you also reach so many people.

And if you’re feeling like you’re an alien, entering the digital world. You don’t have to worry about that. There are people you can trust to do the job for you!

And we are them! The right people! Here at MyBusyBee we got all things digital that you need and more! Just go to or follow our Official Facebook Page at and contact (02) 929-2222 or (63) 917-837-2000 and take your brand to a whole other level!