Mobile VIP System perks and benefits: how it can grow your business

A Mobile VIP System, as the name implies, is a system set in place for customers willing to invest their time transacting with your brand. Think of it as the rewards card of your favorite department store or shopping boutique, but instead of a physical card, it’s purely through phones. It allows subscribers access to exclusive deals and experiences not available to those outside the system. Investing in one is a great way of building a customer base and fostering the relationship you have with current clients. It will also give your business various advantages, such as the ones below. If you’d rather watch a video, click here for a Mobile VIP System crash course.

Faster customer acquisition

Being part of an exclusive club is a very irresistible offer. In fact, it’s one of the factors many customers consider before deciding to do business with an establishment. Over 45% of prospective buyers only convert if a brand has a rewards program, and 81% of people are more inclined to make repeat purchases when a loyalty program is present. Moreover, younger demographics are over two times more willing to splurge on brands with an existing loyalty and rewards program. It doesn’t matter if you’re only offering bare minimum rewards. You’re still on better standing with customers than a business with none at all.

Get better insights

Having a Mobile VIP System in place allows you to get more customers and learn more about them. When they opt-in, you can make their name and age a mandatory field field upon registration. Besides this basic information, a Mobile VIP system can be used to track customer purchasing habits, such as frequently bought items, willingness to spend, buying capacity, and days and hours of store visit. You can also track how often they avail of your exclusive VIP promos and rewards. Using these insights, you can then tailor your text blasts and promos to fit their profile. Research reveals that personalized offers contribute to a 1% to 4% increase in sales and a 4% to 7% increase in gross profit. It’s a win-win for you and your customers.

People hear you

If people sign up for your Mobile VIP System, then they’re already giving you consent to send them promotional material from time to time. They’re not only open to receiving messages, they’re expecting them. Why would they sign up for one in the first place? As opposed to random passersby and one-time clients, promos sent to your VIPs will be read and acted on.

Experience dwarfs pricing

Anyone can do price drops. You, your competitor down the street, or a giant established company can slash prices lower than what’s financially sensible. And guess what, unless you’re making tons of pennies in profits, you’ll likely lose that price war. Instead of fighting over who has the lowest price, give your customers something else entirely: a better experience. While you strive to keep your prices competitive, make your business appeal to the emotional side of clients. A great Mobile VIP System allows you to sell more, at the same time building great relationships with your clientele.

Word of Mouth

Once you have a fully functioning Mobile VIP System complete with a rewards and loyalty program, word of mouth will be your best friend. The relationship you painstakingly cultivated with your customers will pay off with them talking your brand up to other people. They’ll do it themselves if your business is worthy enough of being recommended. You can also ask them to post online or share one of your social media posts in exchange for a freebie or a promo. This works especially well if you’re targeting millennials. Surveys show that 36% of them shared digital content to receive special deals.

Excited to grow your business using a Mobile VIP System? Talk to us today. Just go to or follow our Official Facebook Page at and contact (02) 929-2222 or (63) 917-837-2000 now!