Putting Bad Phone Habits into Good Marketing Strategy

Since the dawn of smartphones and its capability to let you carry the Internet wherever you go, people seem to have somehow found this inseparable relationship with their phones. Whether it’s for Social Media or just plain messaging, the fact is, everyone will always be on their phones today. You go around in public places and you see people in their phones. Especially if the place is Wi-Fi lit! Wake up, and the first thing you check is your phone, right? And even before the smartphones, since texting was the biggest thing, we were still the same then. It has been a habit for all of us.

A habit that entrepreneurs can now turn into the greatest help in marketing today!


The fact that millions of people today are still and will probably be forever on their phones is what drives most entrepreneurs to engage in the fast-rising and efficient SMS Marketing.

SMS Marketing offers you the possibility of reaching millions of people who have this habit of never letting their eyes off their mobile screen, all at the same time! This method of marketing lets people see your own message, announcements, and promos. All in 160 characters and just a single blast of text.

In addition to this, SMS Marketing allows entrepreneurs to still keep in track of their business while they reach millions of people. It saves up the trouble of putting too much effort in marketing and gives an entrepreneur more time to focus on the business.

Time and cost efficient! Which is why MyBusyBee created the innovative SMS Marketing tool, Powerblast!

Interact with millions of people with Powerblast’s option of enabling the market to reply to your messages. You can also make your market feel like you’re getting through them personally by customizing your text messages and letting your market receive messages with their names on it.

With millions of people hooked on their mobile phones right now, chances are you’ll get some attention. Because who couldn’t ignore a text message, right?

So turn this mobile addiction into your number 1 marketing tool now! Just go to https://www.mybusybee.net/ or follow our Official Facebook Page at https://www.facebook.com/officialbusybee.textblast/ and contact (02) 929-2222 or (63) 917-837-2000 and make the most of people’s mobile habit!