• Ever come across a link on social media that would go something like this…                   Man was dying on hospital, what he said to his wife will surprise you.                   Girl tried this product on her face,...
  • They say having a website adds up to the credibility of a business. While that’s true, it’s not enough that you have a website and not maintain it or design it for starters. Having a well-maintained website is already...
  • Ever ate something dull that it just makes you think it needs more sauce or ketchup or any condiments available. Well, visual content is that condiment you’re looking for. As we’ve said a while ago, don’t go too formal...
  • Despite the world of marketing making its upgrade to digital, there are still some a factor that today’s digital marketing still share with the traditional way of marketing. And that factor stands where an entrepreneur steps into the market’s...
  • Back when traditional marketing didn’t have the competition that is the digital marketing, it was easy to determine which was the big enterprise to the small enterprise. The problem was, traditional marketing further boosts big enterprises and keeps small enterprises...
  • Apparently, even your files now have the possibility to be taken hostage too. A virus called, “Wannacry” has been a global threat over the past week, affecting about 150 countries worldwide. This cyberattack encrypts a user’s files and will threaten...
  • Let’s go straight to the point on this one, most online readers, they don’t care how much of an expert you are as a writer. They don’t care about the structure, or the scholarly deep words, or maybe how...
  • Tired of waiting for the next agent to be available? Be put on-hold every time you wait for an answer which the agent couldn’t give? Or be transferred from one department to another? We’ve all been there. Although the...
  • Putting up a business is difficult, marketing your business is a whole other area. It’s one of the challenges that most entrepreneurs face today. Especially if you a startup business. There are lots of marketing option to consider. And...
  • Of course, all legal businesses have their credibility. But all possible markets are meticulous if a business can be fully trusted or not. Let’s help them narrow down their choices by making your business be the number one choice!...
  • Since the dawn of smartphones and its capability to let you carry the Internet wherever you go, people seem to have somehow found this inseparable relationship with their phones. Whether it’s for Social Media or just plain messaging, the...